Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Take Away #12

Last class was really interesting, in both sharing, and the feedback people gave. Mandy's fear of her projects never being good enough, I can realte to. Riley's fear of losing those close to her; I've been there. Steven's fear of the future (or lack there of) is something that plagues all of us with the debt we have waiting for us when we graduate. My own fear of failure. What really suprised me was how well recieved my sharing went. What I had considered to be very boring to others, seemed to resonate with them. The responses I was gathered were uplifting, enlightening, and heartfelt. SO my take away from class?

A) I'm not so alone in my fears as I thought I was.

B) I am a positive presence to more people than I ever thought possible

C) I think I can overcome my fears with some hard work, diligence, and help from my family and friends.

Yeah, This is do-able

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